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Thalassa CMS

Thalassa CMS copyright and licensing

Thalassa CMS is written by Andrey Vikt. Stolyarov a.k.a. Croco, and it is copyrighted. The first publicly available version was published in 2023.

Thalassa CMS is available under the terms and conditions of the Croco's Individualistic Free Software License.

In a nutshell: Thalassa is available free of charge ("free as in free beer") for everyone, but it is "free as in freedom" for individuals only, and only provided that the individuals act on their own behalf.

As usual with free software, permission to learn and modify the sources, as well as permission to distribute the program both in its original and modified form are granted to you as long as you act as an individual (human being, a real existing person), NOT as any organization's employee or representative, but on your own name and on your own behalf. For organizations, and, generally, for any non-individual entities, the software is only "free as in free beer", which means they can use it in its unmodified form, but distribution and modification are not allowed, and the source code can only be used to build the executable binaries, but for no other purposes. Furthermore, the license automatically terminates if the copyright is partially assigned to a non-individual entity in any way, so only individuals are allowed to hold copyrights on parts of the software.

In both cases, it doesn't matter whether you do any commerce or not; all that "profit vs. non-profit" crap is irrelevant here, the only thing that matters is whether you are a human being or not. All physically existing human beings, provided that they act on their own names in their own interests, are allowed to get this software, learn and modify its sources, run it for any purposes, redistribute it in both original or modified form; certain conditions apply here (including the obligation to distribute the software only under exactly the same license and to publish modified sources openly on Internet before the modified version is given to any third party in any form), but generally you, as individial, are granted all permissions which free software fans prefer to call "software freedoms" (it is doubtful if these are really "freedoms", but, well, you do have them anyway).

In contrast, for various organizatins of any kind, companies, corporations, legal entities, be they profit or non-profit, governmental or private, formal or informal, as well as for any teams, groups, workgroups, consortiums, commitees, political parties, churches, foundations, movements, and, briefly speaking, for any subject you can name which is not an individual physically existing human being, this software is only "free as in free beer", meaning that the source code may only be used (by all these "end-users") in its original unchanged form to compile the binaries (and not for any other purpose), and the binaries can only be installed by end-users on their own computers, but the software can NOT be modified in any way, no derived works can be made out of it, and it can NOT be distributed nor anyhow transferred to any third parties, neither in original nor in modified form, and specially not as a part of any larger whole. The same applies to any individual who (right here and now) is acting on behalf of any non-individual entity, including any organizations' or groups' employees and representatives acting as such. Certainly such individuals can execute the full power of permissions granted by the license to individuals, but only when they act on their own behalf (for people employed by any organizations — when they are out of duty).

It is important that an individual who performs some work for an organization or other entity, but is not employed by that organization/entity, such as a freelancer or any other self-employed person, as well as a volunteer, is not considered to be "acting on behalf" of the entity, unless the nature of the work being done implies to act on the entity's behalf (as it is for attorneys, various agents and the like). So, an independent individual programmer may modify this software as requested by an end-user, both free and for a fee, and end-users may contract independent individuals for this kind of work, provided that these individuals don't become the end-user's employees, AND that all other conditions of the license are met, such as that the modifications are openly published on Internet before the end-user receives them, the copyright on any parts of the software remains with the author(s) and is not transferred to the end-user (nor to any other non-individual holders), the modified versions of the software come under the same license, etc.

The full official text of the license follows. Please note this is a draft version which is likely to change, so later releases of Thalassa CMS will be covered by later (and hopefully mature) versions of the license.

                                                   Andrey "Croco" Stolyarov
                                                        Cetinje, Montenegro
                                                             April 04, 2024

               version 0.240404;  draft, subject to change

                            Redistribution of this document is unlimited,
                            but any modified version must have a completely
                            different title so as to make it impossible to
                            confuse the modified version for the original

== 0. Informal preamble (non-normative)

Many years ago Richard Stallman started the Free Software movement.  Being
a huge step in obviously right direction, the software freedom as defined
by Stallman (and the movement) has proven to be insufficient for a software
user to be really free.

Even if you have the full source code of a certain program, the permission
to modify it in whatever manner you want and even the knowledge of a good
programmer needed to perform such modifications, it all gives you no real
freedom (and actually remains completely useless for you) if the program in
question is complicated enough so only large corporations have sufficient
resources to actually modify it.  Furthermore, in a vast majority of
real-world cases, such complicateness is not needed for anything really
useful, but, again, corporations invent more and more complicated hardware,
network protocols and data formats, having only one real goal: to make
independent software developers unable to deal with all that mess.

Corporations tend to infiltrate their representatives into various
non-profit organizations related to free software, as well as to control
such organizations by funding them.  The old good principle ``if you can't
beat them, join them'' is well-known to all these corporate people.  All
these processes have nothing to do with any freedom.

For decades, GNU GPL was known as the most restrictive license for free
software.  This License, titled as Croco's Individualistic Free Software
License, is far more restrictive as actually it limits most of its
permissions to individuals, only allowing any non-individual entities to
run the licensed software on their computers, unmodified, but not to modify
nor to redistribute the sotware.  And this license has a ``viral nature''
just like GNU GPL does: if any piece of the code of a program is licensed
with this license, the whole program must be licensed with the same
license, too.

Freedom is for individuals.  And individuals are for freedom.

And one more thing: this license demands any source code to be published
openly on Internet before any distribution of the software takes place,
meaning that any source code of any program that is used by anyone else
than the author, must be made available not only to the users but to the
general public.  There is no point for individuals to keep their sources
private, unless there's something very bad or even criminal inside.  For
corporations, the things are different, but it's their problem.

== 1. The scope of the license

This license (hereinafter referred to as "this License") applies to any
software (hereinafter referred to as "the Work") that bears the appropriate
notice indentifying the License.

The software (the Work) may either be a complete computer program or a code
library.  Conditions imposed by this license for complete programs differ
significantly from the conditions set for code libraries.  The term "the
Program" is used hereinafter to refer to a Work which is a complete
computer program, while the term "the Library" is used to refer to a Work
which is a software library.

The text of this License is written in the assumption that the Work is
written in a compiled programming language, so that the Work itself may be
represented in a form of its source code and in a translated (binary) form,
suitable for executing by a computer.  To avoid confusion, this License
should not be applied to Works created in interpreted programming
languages, but if for any reason it is applied to such a Work, it must be
kept in mind that the thing referred to as "distribution in binary form" is
technically impossible for Works written in interpreted languages, so the
respective parts of this License may not be executed, but the rest of the
text of this License still remains in effect.

Noone has any obligations to accept the terms and conditions of this
License, but the software that comes with this License (the Work) is
copyrighted and protected by the respective local and international laws,
so this License may be (and usually is) the only source of one's right to
do anything with the Work.  Hence, if one disagrees with the conditions
offered by the License, then that one must either refrain from dealing with
the Work anyhow, or must contact the copyright holder and negotiate other
conditions beforehand, in written.  Please note the copyright holder has no
obligations to grant anyone any additional permissions nor even to
communicate with anyone.

In case someone starts using the Work (in one way or another), the mere
fact of such usage indicates one's complete and unconditional consent with
the terms and conditions of this License; otherwise, such usage would be a
copyright violation.

Every person or entity using the Work with the permissions granted by this
License, automatically becomes a licensee, while the copyright holder of
the Work (or holders, if there are more than one of them) becomes (become)
the licensor (the licensors).

== 2. Warranty disclaimer



This warranty disclaimer is an integral part of this License and its terms
and conditions.  Disagreeing with this disclaimer in a whole or in a part,
as well as any attempts to dispute it, automatically and immediately
terminates this License and any permissions granted by the License to any
disagreeing/disputing party.

== 3. The two types of licensees

This License defines two types of licensees, granting them completely
different sets of permissions: full licensees and end-user licensees.

Every person, organization or an entity of any other type are eligible to
be end-user licensees provided that they agree with the License's terms and
conditions, unless they take (or took in the past) any actions explicitly
mentioned in this License as terminating the License and making the entity
no longer eligible to be a end-user licensee.

In contrast, only an individual, which means a physically existing human
being, may be eligible for being a full licensee in terms of this License,
provided that the individual in question is acting here and now on his/her
own behalf and in his/her own interests, or on behalf of another
individual but NOT on behalf of a non-individual third party, and
provided that the individual fully understands and accepts all terms and
conditions imposed by this License.  It does not matter whether the
individual is engaged in commercial activities or acts to satisfy his/her
personal needs.

Organizations of any kind, companies, corporations, legal entities, be they
commercial or non-profit, governmental or private, formal or informal, as
well as any teams, groups, workgroups, consortiums, commitees, political
parties, churches, foundations, movements, and any other subjects that are
not individual human beings, are NOT eligible to be full licensees under
the terms of this License.  This means that any entities other than
physically existing human beings can only use the Work according to the
permissions this License gives to end-user licensees; all these permissions
are explicitly enumerated in the section 4 of this License.

Individuals employed by an organization of any kind are considered to be
acting on behalf of their employer during their work hours and/or when they
use their workplaces provided by the employer, as well as when they do any
work for their employer, hence not being eligible as full licensees in
terms of this License; in the spare time (being out of duty), however,
every individual regardless of his/her employment status is eligible as a
full licensee under terms of this License, provided that they don't do any
work for their employer here and now.

Self-employed individuals, such as individual enterpreneurs or freelancers,
as well as volunteers, are NOT considered to act on anyone's behalf even
when they perform some work on someone's order, regardless of whether the
work is done in exchange for a fee or not; individuals who are not
employees of an organization are only considered to act on behalf of the
organization if they are doing a job that, by its nature, implies to act on
behalf of the organization (as it is for attorneys, agents and the like).

== 4. Permissions granted to the end-user licensees

Only complete programs, by their nature, can be used by end-users; software
libraries can not, technically, have end-users, because they are only used
by programmers to create other software works.  This is why this License
only grants end-user licensees permissions to use such Works covered by
this License that are complete computer programs, not code libraries.  Any
such Work is referred to as "the Program".

This License grants end-user licensees the permission:

 a) to acquire and store the Program in both source code form or in the form
    of binary executables;

 b) to use the source code of the Program for the purpose of building
    binary executables;

 c) to install the Program in its executable form on the licensee's own
    computers as well as on the computers rented from third parties, such as
    dedicated or virtual servers, provided that such installation is not
    indended as an act of transferring the Program (in any of its forms) to
    any third parties;

 d) to run the Program on the licensee's own computers as well as on the
    computers rented from third parties, for any purposes the licensee may
    have, including the purpose of providing some services to third parties,
    provided that this doesn't lead to redistribution of the Program nor to
    transferring the Program to third parties, in any of its forms, in the
    whole or in parts.

From the other hand, this License DOES NOT ALLOW (and, furthermore,
explicitly forbids) end-user licensees to take any actions on the Program
other than explicitly mentioned in the list above, including, but not
limited to, reading and otherwise examining the source code by any of the
licensee's employees and, generally, any use of the Program in its source
code form for any purposes other than for building executable binaries of
the same Program; making any modifications to the Program, neither in its
source nor in its binary form; transferring the Program to any third
parties, neither in the source nor in binary form, neither as verbatim
copies nor modified, neither alone nor as a part of a larger whole; making
any works derived from the Program.

Employees of a end-user licensee, being individuals, may be eligible as
full licensees in terms of this License.  As long as an organization or any
other entity uses, or is going to use, any software covered with this
License, thus being a end-user licensee in terms of this License, it is
explicitly forbidden for them, being someone's employer, to order their
employees to use any of the permissions granted to them by this License, as
well as to ask them to do so in their spare time, even if such usage
doesn't directly serve the employer's interests.  Doing so immediately and
permanently terminates this License for this particular end-user licensee
for any software and other works covered by this License, and makes the
organization or other entity no longer eligible as a end-user licesnee
in terms of this License, for any Work covered by this License.

The rest of the License's text and any permissions mentioned thereinafter
only apply to the full licensees as defined in the section 3 of this
License.  Entities not eligible to be full licensees are only granted the
permissions explicitly mentioned in the list given in this section (see
above), and can only get any other rights, permissions or conditions for
using the Program by acquiring an explicit written permission of the
Program's copyright holder, or all copyright holders if there are more than
one of them.

== 5. Permissions granted to the full licensees

Permissions granted to the end-user licensees as stated in the section 4 of
this License, are granted to the full licensees, too.  Besides that, full
licensees, provided that they accept and obey all the conditions stated in
the rest of this License's text, are also granted the following

 a) to distribute verbatim copies of the Work in its source form to any
    third parties under the terms and conditions of this License, imposing
    no additional restrictions, provided that the Work remains publicly
    available on Internet, either at the site it was originally received
    from, or being published at any other site by anyone who has the right
    to do so, e.g., by this or any other full licensee;

 b) to distribute verbatim copies of the Work which is a complete computer
    program (the Program) in its binary form to any third parties under the
    terms and conditions of this License, provided that such distribution
    meets the requirements stated in the section 6 of this License;

 c) to modify the Work, thus creating works derived from the original
    Work, and use the modified version;

 d) to create works derived from the original Work in other ways, such as
    by including the Work into a larger whole;

 e) to distribute works derived from the original Work, provided that all
    terms and conditions stated in this License for such a distribution are
    strictly and unconditionally obeyed.

This License only permits binary distribution for unmodified Work (which
must be a complete program).  However, in case a full licensee creates a
work derived from the Work and publishes that derived work according to
terms and conditions of this License, the derived work is considered a
separate work covered by this License, and its binary distribution becomes
permitted as the distribution of an unmodified version of that (derived)

Since only full licensees have the right to distribute any Work covered
with this License, it is hereby explicitly clarified that it is NOT ALLOWED
to distribute the Work through package repositories, application stores and
other software distribution facilities owned and/or being run by entities
not eligible as full licensees under the terms of this License.  This means
in particular (but is not limited to) that the Work can not be included
into distributions of Linux or other operating systems unless the
distribution is run by an individual.

From the other hand, a full licensee may distribute the Work through
his/her own web site, ftp site and the like, even if the site is served by
a server machine and/or uses bandwidth and other infrastructure that
belongs to organizations or other entities not eligible as full licensees.
Provided that the publishing facility, such as a web site or an ftp site,
is as such owned and run by a full licensee, the facility's owner is
considered the entity distributing the Work.

A full licensee is also permitted to distribute the work through his/her
personal space within someone else's site, such as a personal page at a
social media site, or a personal directory at an ftp site.  This is only
allowed provided that it is made clear for general public that the full
lincensee individually controls the content of the personal space and is
entirely responsible for the act of distributing the Work, while the whole
site's owner only makes it technically possible.

== 6. Conditions for distribution of the Program in binary form

This License only allows non-source distribution of the Work provided that
the Work is a complete computer program (the Program).  This License does
NOT grant anyone (including the individuals eligible as full licensees) any
permission to distribute in a form other than the form of the source code
any Work which is not a complete computer program (typically a code
library); so, any Work which is not a complete program, must only be
distributed by full licensees and only in the form of source code.

A full licensee is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of the Program in
its binary form (executable files) to any third parties.  It does not
matter whether the executable files being distributed are prepared (built)
by the licensee who distributes them, or by a party the licensee got the
Program from, including the original copyright holder.  The following
conditions must be met in case of such distribution:

 a) neither the act of building binary executables from the source code,
    nor the act of transferring them may change the legal status of the
    Program in any way, including its licensing policy; the Program remains
    copyrighted to the original copyright holders, and remains licensed
    under the terms and conditions of this License; the licensee who
    distributes the executables must not claim any rights over the Program
    nor its copies being made during the distribution;

 b) no copyright notices, nor notices related anyhow to the copyright law,
    patent law, trademark law or any other so-called ``intellectual
    property'' laws must be added to what the program originally beared
    and/or displayed; from the other hand, as this section applies to
    distribution of unmodified versions, it is implied that all original
    notices are kept intact;

 c) all parties receiving the copy of the Program in its binary form
    (executable files), must be properly notified about the legal status
    of the Program, supplied with a copy of this License and adviced about
    the possibility to receive the Program in its source form as well;

 d) any distribution of the Work, including, but not limited to,
    distribution of an unmodified version of the Work which is a complete
    computer program (the Program) in its binary form, may only take place
    provided that the full source code of the Program (or a Work) is
    published on Internet beforehand, openly, and remains published thereof
    for at least three years after the last act of distribution in binary
    form took place; the particular conditions for publishing the source
    code are defined in the section 9 of this License;

 e) before the distribution takes place, the licensee who performs the
    distribution must make sure he or she has a copy of the full source
    code of the Program, in the particular version used to build binaries
    being distributed; the copy must be stored carefully for at least three
    years after the last copy of the Program in binary form was transferred
    to any third party;

 f) as long as the source code of the Program, in the particular version
    used to build binaries being distributed, remains properly published
    by a third party, e.g., the original copyright holder or the party
    the Program was originally received from by the licensee who
    distributes it, there's no need for that licensee to publish the source
    code on his/her own; if, however, the original publication becomes
    unavailable and remains unavailable for three days or longer, then all
    licensees who distributed at least one copy of the Program's executable
    files during the last three years, must immediately take all necessary
    steps to make their own copies of the source code publicly available;

 g) the distribution of the Program in binary form may only take place
    provided that every entity receiving the binaries is technically able
    to get the sources and reproduce the binaries being distributed,
    without the need to pay for any software (such as a proprietary
    compiler or any other software component needed to reproduce the
    binaries), without the need to obtain any additional licenses (such as
    a developer license for a particular platform) and without the need to
    ask anyone's permission both to produce the binaries and to execute the
    binaries on devices that belong to users who are willing to do so.

It is hereby explicitly clarified that it is NOT ALLOWED:

 - to distribute the Work in the form of a binary executable produced by a
   proprietary compiler and/or other software tools, unless it is legally
   possible for every willing person to get and use all the necessary tools
   free of charge;

 - to distribute the Work in the form of a ``signed'' binary for a platform
   which disallows to run ``unsigned'' binaries, unless it is technically
   and legally possible for every willing person to provide the necessary
   ``signature'' on his/her own, free of charge, and without asking
   anyone's permission.

== 7. Copyright policy for modifications made to the Work

 7.1. Separate objects for different copyright status and different
      licensing policies

Any software source code, being considered as a copyrighted work, is merely
a text that consists of files, and each file can have its own copyright
holder, or several of them.  For the purpose of this policy it is assumed
that no parts of a single file can be copyrighted separately, although the
copyright law allows even that.  However, should someone for any reason
want to place a separate copyright on the one's code which is a part of a
larger file, there are no technical obstacles to move the code in question
into a separate file and place the copyright on that file.

A complete program, as long as it is represented as the source code, may
also be considered as consisting of its main part and the code libraries.
For the purpose of this policy, a library is always a set of files clearly
separated from the rest of the code, logically integrated as a whole and
self-containing in the sense that it must be clearly shown that the library
can be, as a whole, used in other (unrelated) programs just as good as it
is used in this particular program.  For instance, a library can not and
must not depend on any code that resides in the main part of the program;
it is also strongly discouraged (but still allowed) to let libraries depend
on each other.

The important thing about libraries is that each of the libraries used in a
program can effectively have its own licensing policy.  Sometimes this
affects the whole program, even in its binary representation, in the sense
that the program must display the copyright status for the library along
with any copyright notices displayed for the program itself.  For example,
the well-known GNU Lesser General Public License requires this for binaries
that contain the object code of libraries licensed under it, but doesn't
require it for the case when the library in question is linked in runtime
as a dynamically-loadable library.  This practice encourages the use of
dynamic linking, which is questionable.  For the most of permissive free
software licenses, however, this is not the case; for many libraries, their
licensing policy doesn't impose any conditions regarding how the whole
program must behave.

For any Work covered with this License, separate files must be kept the
minimal units that can have their own copyright status, and libraries must
be kept as minimal units that have their own licensing policy.  If the Work
is a complete program, its main part must all be covered with this License,
but some of the libraries included into the source tree may have their own
licenses, as long as this doesn't conflict with licensing of the program as
a whole under this License.  If the Work is a code library, it must be
put under this License altogether, or not licensed under this License at

 7.2. Copyright status for works derived from the one licensed under
      this License

Under the copyright law, any minor modifications may be subject to be
copyrighted.  This License imposes a certain limit on this.

Whenever a person being a full licensee in terms of this License makes any
modifications to a Work, these modifications must be clearly marked so that
the original author will not be accused for possible errors and regressions
made by such modification.  However, in many cases such modifications must
not change the copyright status of a Work as a whole nor of a particular
modified file, because the copyright for modifications is (as a condition
imposed by this License) automatically transferred to the original author.
This automatic copyright transfer applies to:

 - minor modifications; any modifications that affect less than 10% of a
   particular file must be considered minor for the purpose of this

 - any modifications, regardless of their volume, on which their author
   didn't place the appropriate copyright notice.

In both cases the original author becomes the copyright holder of all
modifications to the full extent, including, but not limited to, the right
to publish or otherwise distribute the whole Work under any other license.

In case the individual who modifies the Work as permitted by this License
to full licensees, makes significant (that is, not minor as it is defined
above) changes to the code, and wishes to keep the copyright on the work
done thereof, that person must do one of the following:

 - either place all significant pieces of the code which are to have a
   different copyright status into separate files and place the appropriate
   copyright notices in these files (typically in a commentary at the
   beginning of the file); in case the Work has a separate file that
   summarizes the copyright status for all parts of the Work, it is
   allowed (and may be necessary) to change that file to reflect the fact
   that certain files from now on have a different copyright status;

 - or add to existing files a copyright notice that starts with the words
   "portions copyright"; this is only allowed if the file already has a
   copyright notice of the original author (copyright holder);

 - in case the Work in question isn't used to have copyright notices for
   each file, but instead summarizes its copyright status in a dedicated
   file, it is allowed to modify that file to reflect the changes; it is up
   to the person who made the modification to refrain from adding copyright
   notices into individual files, or to do so despite of the practice
   adopted for the rest of the Work.

In case the Work is a complete program and the Program displays a copyright
notice when it runs, then:

 - the best possible thing is to negotiate with the original author what
   is to be displayed as the copyright notice by the modified version, so
   the author of modifications MUST at least try to contact the original
   author (or authors) and negotiate the question;

 - it is always allowed to leave the original copyright notice unchanged,
   provided that it is accompanied by an additional notice which informs
   the user that this is a modified version (like "slightly modified by
   John Doe");

 - in case more than 10% of the source code of the Program in its modified
   version is written by the new author, such author is permitted to add
   to the original copyright notice displayed by the Program his/her own
   copyright notice that starts with the words "portions copyright"; this
   permission does not depend on the opinion of the original copyright
   holder and may be used in cases when it is either impossible to contact
   the original author, or the negotiations with the original author didn't
   lead to a result that satisfies all parties;

 - in case the Program derived from the original Work contains less than
   50% (of the whole Program's volume) of a code that comes from the
   original Work, it is allowed to replace the original copyright notice
   with a copyright notice of the new author, accompanied by a notice like
   "based on the work...", identifying the original Work and its author
   (authors); displaying of the original copyright notice in this case is
   encouraged, but optional.

 7.3. Copyright notices for a Program that uses a Library covered by this

If a source code of any program contains a Library covered by this License,
such a program is a derived work of that Library and as such must either be
kept private, or be distributed under the terms and conditions of this
License.  Besides that, the appropriate credits must be given within the
source code to the creators of the Library.

However, in case the resulting program is distributed in its binary form
according to the License (which implies, but is not limited to, that the
full source code is published openly beforehand), and the Library is
published by its autor (authors) as a code library (which means it is
clearly stated by the original author(s) that the work is a code library
and nothing else), there is no obligation for a binary of the whole program
to display any copyrights of the Library, nor other notices related to the
fact the program uses the Library.  From the other hand, displaying of such
notices is certainly not prohibited; it is up to the authors of the program
whether to mention in the messages displayed by their program the fact the
program uses a Library covered by this License.

The permissions given in this section of the License don't depend on the
volume of the Library, nor on the volume of the main part of the Program,
nor on their ratio.

 7.4. Clearly separated libraries

If a work derived from the Work covered by this License contains
identifiable sections (sets of source files) that can be reasonably
considered independent and separate works in themselves, and, being so
considered, are not derived from the original Work, which means they don't
contain any of the code from the original Work and don't depend on such
code, then authors of such sections may, at their option, clearly declare
the code sections as separate code libraries, with their own copyright and
licensing policies, provided that such policies don't contradict with
inclusion of the libraries into the derived work as a whole.

== 8. Conditions for distribution of derived Works

Any software work, made by modifying the Work covered by this License, or
otherwise derived from such Work, provided that the derived Work is made by
an eligible full licensee, must either be kept private, or distributed
under the terms and conditions of this License.  It is not legally possible
for any work derived from a Work covered by this License to be relicensed
to any terms and conditions different from those stated by this License,
nor to be distributed otherwise than under this License, unless such
relicensing and distribution is explicitly permitted in written by every of
the original Work's copyright holders.

Before any distribution of a derived work starts, be it a distribution in
the source or in binary form, the party (full licensee) who intends to
perform the distribution, must publish the source code of the Work on
Internet, openly, and the conditions defined in the section 9 of this
License must be met for such publication.

== 9. Conditions for publishing the source code of the Work being

Before any distribution of the Work covered by this License starts, the
complete source code of the Work must be published on Internet, fulfilling
the following conditions:

 a) the source code must be published on a site which doesn't require any
    registration and imposes no limitations on downloading the published
    source code, which means that any party who has Internet connectivity
    in any part of the world must be able to download the code; in case
    access to the site gets blocked by authorities of a particular country,
    location, community or the like, the publisher is encouraged, but is
    not obliged to take measures to publish elsewhere; however, the site
    must not block access from any specific locations on its own;

 b) it must be possible to download the source code in batch mode (e.g.,
    from a script) without human intervention with well-known programs such
    as wget, lftpget, curl and so on; in particular, this means the access
    must not be restricted by any CAPTCHA tests or the like; furthermore, it
    must not be required to have a working interpreter of JavaScript nor of
    any other language, and it must not be required even to have a web
    browser capable of rendering HTML;

 c) the access to the published source code must be provided with either
    the FTP protocol, as defined in RFC959, or the HTTP protocol of versions
    1.1, 1.0 or 0.9, or the HTTPS protocol, which is strongly discouraged,
    but is still acceptable; publishing the source code on a server that
    only supports "later" protocols such as HTTP/2, HTTP/3, SPEEDY and the
    like, regardless of their current standardizing status and adoption, and
    refuses to give away the content to clients that don't support such
    protocols, does NOT fulfill the requirement for publishing the source

 d) the source code of the Work must be published as a single archive file
    in one of the common formats, which by the time of the publication has
    existed for at least 20 years, is widespread in the world, has an open
    and clearly written specification, which is available completely
    royalty-free and for which there are open source, freely available
    implementations written in ANSI C; .zip, .tar, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 are
    examples of such formats;

 e) for the case of distribution of the Program in the form of compiled
    binary executables, the party who intends such distribution must
    publish the exact version of the source code which was used to build
    the binaries going to be distributed, and a detailed instruction must
    be provided on how to build exactly the same binaries;

 f) in case the distribution of the Program in binary form took place at
    least once, the complete source code of the Program must remain
    available on Internet, fulfilling all the conditions above, for at
    least three years after the last copy of the binaries was given away to
    any party; it is the duty of the party who performed the binary
    distribution to guarantee the availability of the published source

== 10. Prohibition of corporate and other non-individual copyright holders

In case someone eligible as a full licensee under the terms of this License
significantly modifies the Work, this may lead to the situation when the
modified version of the Work (a derived work) has two (or more) copyright
holders: one of them holds the copyright for the original Work, and the
other has the copyright for the changes that led to nascense of the derived

It is in most cases legally impossible to disallow anyone to transfer their
copyrights to any parties.  However, in case one of the copyright holders
of the Work covered by this License (or several such copyright holders, but
not all) transfers his/her copyright (copyrights) to any party which is not
an individual human being, this automatically and immediately terminates
this License for all parts of the Work for which the copyright is still not
transferred to such party, thus in most cases making the Work as a whole
undistributable and unusable, until the copyright term for the whole work
is over (which is usually impractical to wait for).

The same happens in case the copyright for any part of the Work (but still
not for the whole Work) is assigned to any non-individual party in any way,
such as by conditions of any contract or other agreement, by a court
judgement, in the order of inheritance, or whatsoever else.

The license termination only affects works that contain parts on which the
copyright is actually transferred to any non-individual holder; the License
remains in effect for all works that don't contain such parts, e.g., the
original Work or other works derived from the same original.

The prohibition defined in this section of the License does not apply when
a part of the derived work, which in itself is not derived from the
original Work anyhow, is clearly separated into a library as explained in
the section 7.4.  Such library can have non-individual copyright holders
without termination of any license rights, provided that:

 - the library is distributed under a license which doesn't contradict
   with inclusion of the library into a work covered, as a whole, by this
   License, and

 - the library is officially published as a completely separate work,
   openly, by its copyright holders or other parties having the right to do
   so, and the publication took place before the whole Work (which is
   covered by this License and includes the library as its part) was

== 11. Prohibition of the distribution in case it is legally impossible to
      satisfy the conditions of the License

If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on a full licensee (whether by court order,
agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License,
they do not excuse the licensee from the conditions of this License. If the
licensee can not distribute the Work so as to satisfy simultaneously
his/her obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations,
then as a consequence the licensee may not distribute the Work at all.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply
and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

© Andrey V. Stolyarov, 2023–2025